Authors are instructed to follow the below guidelines for submission of the abstract.
Abstract should be written only in English
The acceptable word limit for each abstract should not exceed 250 words.
Please click here to download the abstract template Click Here
We encourage you to send an informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a compendious summary of your paper.
Once you have prepared your abstract according to the above-mentioned guidelines,
Submit your abstract via or Email your abstract to conference email
After submission, you will receive an acknowledgment of the receipt of your abstract via an email, with your paper Id.
If you do not hear back from us, Please feel free to write to us immediately at to conference email
The status of your abstract / full paper(either accepted or rejected) will be notified to you via email in 3-4 working days.
A one-page abstract should be prepared in the following format:
Use word document while submitting the abstract
Use 12 point Times New Roman for the main text and smaller fonts may be used for figure captions.
The width of each line should not exceed 17.5 cm or 7.0 inch.
The Title, Author's Names, and Affiliations should all be centered
Insert one blank line between the Affiliations and the main text.
Main text should be fully justified with single spacing.
Use bold face with bigger fonts for the Title but not for Authors, Affiliations, and the main text.
Please underline the presenting Author
Leave a space of at least 2.5 cm or 1.0 inch on the bottom of the text. Page numbers will be printed there