Steps to Present Effectively
Please follow the guidelines below to make your presentation effective. The tips below will help you to keep the audience interested throughout your presentation.
Form a story: Try to tell a story rather than give too much of information. Organize your thoughts, develop a good transitions between slides
Use visual aids: Visual aids such as slides attract and hold an audience’s attention and help to reinforce what you say as well as help you keep on track with your presentation. You need to keep things visuals – and your remarks – simple and easy to read and understand.
Kick off start: Start the presentation with some eye-opening facts from your findings. One good way to get the audience’s attention is to start with a question.
Make the case relevant to the audience: Make your points in presenting your findings to the audience. The more relevant your presentation is to the audience the more interested they will be.
Reduce your introduction: The session chair will introduce you and save time for important points.
Never read from your slides: Your audience will be reading your slides. Support them with more clarifications.
Never read from your slides: Your audience will be reading your slides. Support them with more clarifications.
Practice speaking: Practice as much as possible and consider the time you are given. You will only have 15 – 20 min. use it wisely, fully and effectively. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will be.
Avoid jargon: Using more specific words may reduce the audience’s interest. Especially when speaking about your institute’s/company’s processes.
Give priority to your findings: Give priority to your findings and outcomes. Reduce the time that you spend on background.