Ever since its inception, the WCASET conference has sought to serve as a beacon of forethought and consciousness on everything that has to do with the twin worlds of engineering and technology. No matter how prestigious the university or academic institution one may be enrolled in or affiliated with, a high-level virtual conference such as WCASET is without a shadow of a doubt, the best way for anyone (be they a student, an educator, scientist, or industry professional) involved in these fields, to get up-to-speed with the -

Freshest insights from groundbreaking research studies

Brand new engineering tools and techniques

Burgeoning technological developments being made worldwide

Know-how on how to write and publish pioneering research papers especially suited for modern audiences, and plenty more

Despite living in the age of information, there are some things that just can be read or learned about online. Highly critical word-of-mouth expertise (that you can are guaranteed to be privileged with on partaking in the WCASET virtual conference) from veteran engineers and tech pundits is only transmittable in the format of a conference, where the best minds converge to discuss, deliberate and discover. Knowledge of this critical expertise forms the thin line between enjoying a successful career and a mediocre one. If you’re someone who is desperate to breach this barrier and enjoy the greener pastures of career elevation, global recognition, and a decorated reputation, then partaking in this revolutionary virtual conference is the first step to doing so!

Important Date

Abstract Submission

28th October 2020

Full Paper Submission

30th October 2020

Final Registration

04th November 2020

Conference Date

13th November 2020


The chance to sit at the feet of some of the stalwarts of the fields of engineering and technology and to absorb every bit of their profound technical wisdom and insights, right from home.
The opportunity to gain an exclusive insider’s perspective on many of the biggest exploratory ventures within engineering and technology that are underway the world over, without having to step out from your abode and travel anywhere!
The scope for expanding your existing skill-set and knowledge-base such that it matches the modern global standards widely adopted within the broader tech and engineering community, without having to put your health and safety (in these perilous times) at any risk.
The possibility to make acquaintances, form professional partnerships, and forge powerful connections with some of the biggest experts and domain authorities within these fields, which could eventually lead to lucrative career career-growth, research paper publication, research grants, and other opportunities.

All accepted papers of the conference will be published in high impact factor SCOPUS Indexed Journals.

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